Myers Brothers, Springfield, Illinois

"The Store that Quality Built"

Myers Brothers
Fifth Street at Washington
Springfield, Illinois

LAkeside 3-3661

Lower Level
Myers Brothers Budget Floor
Lower Level West
Sports Pro Shop  Toys

Street Floor
Fine Jewelry • Costume Jewelry  Handbags  Small Leather Goods  Gloves  Hosiery  Hat Bar  Accessory Carousel  Blouses  Street Floor Sportswear  Cosmetics  Women's Shoes  Shoe Salon
Men's Shop
Men's Furnishings  Men's Shoes
Street Floor West
Carriage Shop  Stationery  Luggage  Fabrics  Handicrafts  Linen Shop  Bath and Closet Shop  Home Furnishings  Gift Shop  Lamps  Pictures  Marble Shop  The Studio  Clocks  China
4th Street Alley
Books  Candy  Monsieur Gourmet Shop  Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Shop  The Café  Wine and Liquor Shop  Flower Shop

Portrait Studio  Yuletide Shop  Dairy Rose Restaurant  Credit Service

Second Floor
Men's Sportswear  Men's Clothing  Men's Outerwear  Executive Suite  Golden Key Shop  London West 1  Boys' Shop  Young Men's Shop  Brass Lock
Second Floor West
Furniture Galleries  Carpet 

Third Floor of Fashion
Dresses  Couturier Dresses  Half-Size Shop  Coats  Suits  Raincoats  Miss Myers Shop  Chatfield Room  Bridal Salon  Fur Salon  Millinery  Personnel
Third Floor West
Sportswear  Travel Headquarters

Fourth Floor
Lingerie  Foundations  At Home Wear  Daytime Shop  Beauty Salon  Hair '70s
Children's World
Infants' and Toddlers' Shop  Girls' Shop  Children's Shoes  Maternity Shop  The Place

White Oaks
Springfield, Il
August 5, 1977
100,000 s.f.
Dairy Rose Restaurant
Coming in due course.


  1. I worked here for three years in the 1970s and thoroughly enjoyed the amazing architecture of the structure. Being a floater cashier, I worked in many departments within the store. When I worked in the Bridal Registry, I was amazed at the levels below the basement where the china/stemware was kept for each bride in sawdust bins. There was also a mezzanine for shoppers to enjoy lunch while overlooking the first floor selling level. Amazing building!

  2. Do you remember name of restaurant?

  3. Loved this store--every time we visited our family in town we went shopping at Myers. Great memories.

  4. I have just acquired a 1970s xmas tree set w/ Classic Bavarian ornaments, Clear "Merry Midget" decorative lights, Musical rotating stand - Plays Silent Night and Ol come all Ye Faithful. MODEL CT-2. Bought from Myers Brothers, Springfield Illinois, Fifth and Washington. Still in original boxes and original shipping box, delivery tag still on. can anyone help me figure out what it was sold for back then? Please E=Mail me at

  5. Dear BAK, there is a short history of Myers of Springfield in this online article:

    The store you show in the image is their second store. The first one had fewer levels, was built 1900-01, and opened March 1901 with a grand opening on April 6th. The building you show in the image was built in 1926. I have images of the Myers store I can email you. When you can, let me know your email address.

  6. You can reach me at and I check that email address frequently.
    Thank you - Bruce

  7. BAK - over at the Crossword Corner ( 5/21/18) we were discussing department stores (Mens was the answer for Macy's department). My post included:

    The department store of my ute was Myers Brothers [with a link to here] - it was also an official BSA store so, in addition to Catholic uniforms, I got my sash & Merit Badges to sew on it there too.

    My story is from the '70s when I lived in SPI as a wee lad living on N. 3rd. IIRC, Mom worked there at one point and Pop was just down the block at Thrifty Drugs.

    Thanks for helping keep these stores' memories alive. -T

  8. Thanks for the kind comment and the crossword connection. I hope what I have been able to post have stirred nostalgic feelings in you - I plan to have a history article written at some point, but this is a labor of love and takes a long time to accomplish. I was not a boy scout but certainly did also wear a Catholic uniform in my "ute."
    - Bruce

  9. My grandfather's girlfriend was a buyer for Myers Brothers. Her name was Dell DePas, and she passed away when I was pretty small... late 60s, I think. I remember impressions of her more than I remember her in any concrete sense. But I recall that I thought she was beautiful, and soft, and she seemed very "big city fancy" to me. It's a lovely memory :)

  10. super place to work 1957s paul draper

  11. Myers Bros. purchased Linn & Scruggs in Decatur, Illinois in the early '70s, and operated a Decatur store until 1979, when new owner P.A. Bergner & Co. opened a branch at Hickory Point Mall. Linn & Scruggs had branches in South Shores (Decatur) and Mattoon, Il.

    1. Myers Bros. also operated a store in Lincoln, Illinois. My mother was the office manager at that location for many years while I was growing up and I was employed there as the store janitor for a couple years during high school.


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