Roshek Brothers Company, Dubuqe, Iowa

Roshek Brothers Company
700 Locust St.
Dubuque, Iowa


Full exhibit coming in due course


  1. Your department store museum is spectacular. My name is Thomas B Roshek JR. My Grandfather started Roshek Bros. Co. My father Thomas was president in the 50's and early 60's. I have some interesting photos of all four stores in Dubuque. Regards, Tom

    1. Tom, when Roshek's was in downtown Dubuque, there were large aerial pictures of a farm hanging on the walls of the mezzanine. That farm belonged to my grandfather, Herman Heiar. My mother has been wondering what happened to those pictures. If you can provide any information about those pictures, I would appreciate it!

  2. Tom, I would like to expand my coverage of Roshek Brothers. Can you please e-mail me at THank you.

  3. I am so glad I found this page! It gives me hope that I find the information I've been searching for. When Roshek's was in downtown Dubuque, there were large aerial pictures of a farm hanging on the walls of the mezzanine. That farm belonged to my grandfather, Herman Heiar. My mother has been wondering what happened to those pictures. If you can provide any information about those pictures, I would appreciate it!

  4. Does anyone know the year that Rosheks closed their bakery in the downtown Dubuque store? My father worked for the bakery several years in the 1950s


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